Introducing New Chat Features

Over the past few months we’ve added new features to our Chat page has added features to help organize your chats with clients:

Live auto translation - One of the most requested new features, now all incoming and outgoing messages can be auto-translated in the preferred language of the client. To enable auto-translated conversations with a client, simply enable Chat under Contact settings. You can always select the link below a message to view it’s untranslated version.


Mobile App Texting - Chat is now included in our Mobile App (Android and IOS) for easy use between website and mobile app.

Out of Office Responses - Auto SMS responses can now be sent to a client based on their associated clinic or department.

Chat Template - Use the same messages frequently? Chat Templates give users the ability to respond quickly respond based on a chat Template.

Chat Assignments - Users can assign a chat to themselves or others to better manage their workflows.

More User Alerts - Users can now add alert sounds and add their own SMS text alerts for incoming messages.