What We Do
We make sure you get the right message to the right people quickly and easily.
Appointment Reminders
Notify clients of upcoming appointments or due dates and view responses in real-time.
Missed Appt MESSAGES
Automatically follow-up with recall / missed appointment messages to maximize rescheduling.
Additional follow up messages sent to clients who do not reschedule.
Quickly send critical emergency messages to your clients and staff and receive responses in real-time.
Create a message and set to send at the time of your choosing to any group or sub-group.
Automatically cancel planned messages and send closing message as needed.
We create new custom messaging applications and offer consulting services. Contact us to learn more.
Texting Engagement and Feedback
Improve client engagement with two-way texting. Follow-up to group message or automated messages, initiate conversations, or use as an SMS texting call center.
Create automated message campaigns to clients or use our specially developed educational programs. Contact us to learn more about our educational campaigns.
Send automated text and web surveys to gather data from your clients and view individual and result summaries.
Secure Doc Uploads & E-signatures
Collect uploaded documents and have clients sign forms for you, all in one place.
Featured Customers:
WIC Messaging Solutions
Teletask works with WIC in 25 States, serving 3 million participant nationwide! We offer a tailored messaging service specifically for WIC - designed to maximize participant retention and engagement efficiently and cost effectively.
Everything You Need To Message Effectively
Best In Class Security
Security is #1 at Teletask. Strict HIPAA compliance that respects privacy and protects sensitive data.
Serious Integrations
Contact us to learn how Teletask integrates with your system to automate messaging.
Mobile Messaging
Access our messaging services directly from your mobile phone, tablet, or PC/Mac web browser.
Fully customizable
Customize how Teletask message scripts are designed and rules for sending different types of messages.
SMS Shortcode
Send automated SMS text messages quickly to clients from by our enterprise shortcodes and toll-free longcodes.
Built In Support
Online solutions and real-time chat support available, or email/ call us with your questions.
“The Erie County Department of Health has been using Teletask products for the past 20 years. Their Messaging systems have saved our clerical, dental, and nursing staff an incalculable number of hours telephoning patients for appointment reminders and missed appointments. Their systems are easy to work with and we have had very few issues with them. The Teletask staff have always exhibited the highest levels of professionalism and have always resolved any issues we had quickly and to our complete satisfaction. I would highly recommend their products and services.”
“Teletask has been an invaluable partner as my team planned, implemented, and evaluated a Text Message Program. The Teletask team provides excellent technical assistance and subject-matter expertise in mobile health messaging. Staff have been extremely patient and resourceful, answering our questions and suggesting efficient methods to manage contact lists, send messages, and run reports.”