The Health Messenger Dashboard

Summary: The Dashboard allows users to see their overall message status, view individually scheduled/ sent messages, view responses and reply. Different users may have different dashboards depending on their access.


1. Send New Message: Send a new group message or closing message. to send previously made drafts see Messages page.

2. Summary Information  (For 1 day, 1 week or 1 month)

  • Delivered Messages - total Delivered messages in the timeframe chosen (1 day, 1 week or 1 month)

  • Responses - total incoming SMS Text or Voice message responses in the timeframe chosen

  • New Contacts - total new contacts in timeframe chosen

3. Summary

  • Select the Message Name link to view details. Sent and scheduled time shows when message was sent or scheduled.

  • View the total Text messages, Voice Calls, Emails and Replies for this message.

4. View Report

  • Messages - Displays all outgoing messages. Select view to see contents of each message, or checkboxes and cancel or reschedule to change all or individual messages.

  • Responses - Displays all incoming Text and Voice responses to these messages

5. Inbox

  • View Incoming SMS Text Messages and Responses to Voice Messages

  • Select Reply to respond to incoming text messages. You will then be able to view the Text "conversation" history

  • If you want to view responses for a specific message, select that message name or View Report -> Responses.

Inbox / Responses Page

  • View the contact name, phone number, if applicable their appointment rime, associated clinic, and their text message or voice response.

  • If a text message responses was received, a Reply button will be available to the right.

  • Selecting Reply allows the user to send a text message back to the contact. They can also review their texting message history with that contact.


All Messages Page Details

  • Select at least one checkmark to cancel the selected message(s) or reschedule them for a future time.

  • Select the view button and view the specific message delivered to this contact.

Overview Of Chat

The Chat page is an optional section for users to engage in realtime 2-way SMS text message with their contacts.

Navigation Basics

Choose to view chats in Open Status, Unread Status, or additional View options under All Contacts (listed from left to right)

  1. Select the new chat button to initialize a new chat with a contact

  2. Open Chats - Are any chats that have not been closed. Users can choose to close old chat conversations or leave them in open status. Open chats can also be filtered by those chats assigned to the current user or other users.

  3. Unread chats - Are all chats which a user hasn’t selected yet. The number of unread chats is also indicated by the red/white number next to the chat header.

  4. All Contacts - Lists all contacts regardless of if they have received chats or not. Use the filter to includes all closed Chats or all contacts in a certain Group.

  5. Search by the phone number or name of a contact to to bring up their chat history

  6. Change the order of the Chats to The newest, oldest, by name and (if all contacts) Appointment Date and Date of Birth.

  7. Users Chat Settings (gear icon)

The Basics of Chat

  1. The most recent messages appear on the top and unread messages are bolded. Selecting a message marks it as read. Closing a chat will take it away from the Open screen but it can be viewed under Closed Chats or All Contacts.

  2. Checkboxes can be selected to the left of chats to perform group actions on chats - with an option to select all. Group actions are to mark chat(s) as Closed, Open, Read, Unread and Assign to User.

  3. After selecting a Chat conversation, start typing your message and press enter/return to send your SMS messages. You can optionally press the Send, Send + Close or Close button.

  4. Chat Settings section

A) The settings section for that specific contact including Translation settings, Subject or User assignment

B) Contact attributes such as name, clinic and appointment date


Find a Contact or Chat

To find a contact or previous chat conversation, you can scroll down from the previous chat conversations. If you can't find you contact in your recent chats, use the search bar in the chat page header. You can search by either phone number or name (first then last name). If you can't find a contact, you can search in the contacts page that you have the right name or phone number, and possibly add that contact if needed. It's also possible that if another user has access to your contacts, they have assigned this chat to themselves. You can browse these assigned chats from the filter drop down in the chat header.

Send A New Message

There are two different ways you can send a chat message:

A. find your contact by browsing or searching and sending a message 

B. Use the New Messages button to initialize a new chat and type in your contact Name or Phone number in the TO box, then adding your message and sending

chat options2.png

Use Auto Translations

Auto-translations allow all incoming messages to be auto-translated to the message of your choice, and auto-translate the messages you send to the contact. To enable auto-translations for a contact, select Contact Settings, then check the Auto-Translate switch.

This will auto-translate the conversation based on the their set Language, but you have the option to change this to another language if needed. the User language is defaulted to English, but this can be changed from the Gear icon.

During a translated conversation, you can click on the language links (see screenshots below) beneath the message to view the Translated/Untranslated versions.

ADD Chat Subjects

chat options3.png

If enabled by an Administrator in Settings, chat subjects allow users to assign subjects to open chats. Simply select the subject for the chat under Chat Options and the subject will be displayed for that chat until it is closed. This means that after a chat is closed, if the recipient messages back again the chat subject will be cleared

ADD Chat Notes

Sometimes staff may want to leave notes for each other or other staff about their chats. If enabled by the administrator, chat notes allow users to type in a quick note while chatting with a client. Notes will appear in the chat history but will a note icon next to them. To add a note, press the Note tab, add your note and select save.

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Enable Notifications

To receive notifications, first select the Gear icon on the upper right. You can choose to receive Email notifications and/or SMS Text notifications by selecting the associated checkbox.

Teletask will check every 30 minutes for new unread messages and send you a (email or SMS text) message including the number of new unread messages and a link to the chat page. By selecting the link and adding your login credentials you'll be able to respond to these conversations.



Out of Office SMS Response

A user can edit their out of office SMS response only if the Admin enables this under Settings --> Texting --> Set Chat Auto-Response --> Set-able by Clinic

Select Edit Out Of Office Auto-reply to add or edit your out of office SMS text response to contacts.If your out of office SMS auto-response is ON, you will will a blue notification header  An Out of Office Auto-Response is currently ON.

A. Select the Area (clinic, etc.) you want to set the out of office for

B. Type your auto-response SMS message (up to 160 characters)

C. Select the time ranges when you want this message to be sent, based on the day of the week.


Enable Chat Settings

An Administrator can update Chat options from the Settings page.

-Enable Set Out of Office Auto-Responses to allow your account or specific clinics to set your SMS auto-responses

-Enable Set Chat Notes to allow staff to add notes to their messaging

-Enable Set Chat Template and add chat your template messages. When users begin typing their messages these templates will be suggested as drop-down options.

-Enable Set Chat Subjects and add your subjects so users can assign them to their open chats.

Chat Settings.png

Sending Group Messages or Closing Messages

To send messages (text, voice, and/or email) to a group or subgroup of contacts, or to send a closing message to contacts with appointments, follow the instructions below

Start with one of the two options below:

A. To create a new message, navigate to the Dashboard and select Send New Message, or navigate to the Messages page and select Create MessageGroup Message.

B. To edit/send a previously created message, navigate to the Messages page. Select the previously created draft message to review it first. Press Send next to a saved message draft to send this message (see below for more details on recipients page).

1. Create the Message Properties

  1. Enter a message Name: This is the label you use to describe this message group.
  2. If needed, add/ change languages: Use the “Add Additional languages” button to add new languages you would like to create for this messages group.
  3. Message Types: Choose any combination of VoiceText or Email messages. You must select at least one type.
  4. Select Next on the bottom right to create a messages group based on these settings

2. Create your Message(s)

  1. Type your message in the Main Message field. If a message exceeds the number of characters in that text message (160 Characters for English) it will be counted as multiple text messages.
  2. Selecting Add Merge Tags will allow you to add certain key tags to the message. Tags correspond to fields in your recipient/contact data, and can be used to include personalized or dynamic content in your messages.
  3. Select send test message to enter a phone number and have a test message sent. 
  4. Save and Exit to exit to the messages page
  5. Back to return to the previous page
  6. Next to create/edit the next content type or progress to the recipients. Note: depending on which messages types and languages you've chosen, you may be creating more than one message.

3. Send or Schedule Messages

  1. If you sending a Closing message, select this option. See next section for details. 
  2. If you are sending a Group message, select the recipient group(s) you would like to send to. Optionally create a new group and upload a new Excel/ CSV file to this group.
  3. if you have multiple clinics/site and don't want to send to contacts associated with all of them, select clinics and then contacts within certain sites.
  4. If you want to filter further, Sub-Groups allows you to send to a sub-group based on certain field criteria.
  5. If you'd like to send to contacts individually, enter their names or phone numbers in the "add contacts" section (their contact information must already be in the system to be added).
  6. The number of recipients is calculated here. Press the refresh button on the right to refresh this after adding groups, filters or contacts if you want to see the total number of recipients.
  7. Select Send to schedule messages to be sent now. Select Schedule to schedule message to be sent later, then select a later time/date and select "send" to schedle the message.

Details on Closing Messages

Closed Clinic.png

For Closing Messages, messages will only sent to recipients with appointments within the time and date range selected. Sending these will also immediately cancel any appointment reminder message within the specified time and locations.

Create Reports

To generate a report of message results and responses, navigate to the Reports page the follow the steps below:

  1. Select a Message Type: select the type of message to generate the report on. Voice is selected by default.

  2. Select a message group or choose All messages.

  3. Select if you’d like to see reports based on message date or appointment date.

  4. Date Range: Select a beginning and ending date.

  5. Select a Clinic. All clinics are selected by default.

  6. Select Generate Report: This will create the report based on the parameters set.

After the report is generated, view the total results and status of specific messages.

Chat Report

The Chat message reports only conversational texts sent to or from contacts (not group messages or automated messages)

  1. Check “incoming messages” to include incoming messages.

  2. Select a specific or all users outgoing messages.

  3. Select a date range for your report.

  4. Search for conversations by a specific contact.

  5. Change the report columns.

  6. Select Generate the Report to view your message history
    which can be exported to csv.


After the report is generated, view the total results and status of specific messages.

chat results.png

 Help Videos

SMS Text Chat

Overview of how to use the integrated Chat in Teletask. This walk through includes functions that may need to be enabled by your account Administrator.

Group Messaging

An Overview on how to send a Group Message and Closing Message. Includes a simple example of a Group SMS Text and a more complex example of an English and Spanish SMS Text and Voice Message.

Appointment Scheduler

An Overview on how to use the Scheduler. Includes basic functionality such as searching, scheduling appointments an blocking times.